Thursday, June 19, 2008

spare the nation: a 6-year-old's letter to the president

early this school year my six-year-old was asked by a contest at school how she "can make a difference." she responded by writing a letter to the president. she proceeded to sum up her simplified version of political and social issues at hand. we were quite touched by her innocent, yet deep understanding of the world we live in. we framed the letter and it now has a place in our home for all of our friends to read. she even won an award of merit from the los angeles school district. we did not send the letter to the current administration...but feel the sentiment is worth sharing with you.

i have tried not to have the babysparewear blog become a blog about my life with three kids (not an easy task since that is such a big part of me). but with the historic advancements of our current presidential race, and today's important announcement from barack obama regarding his path towards true independence from a broken system, luna's letter seemed appropriate and timely. maybe we will send the letter one day soon.

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